Green Village power with brand name “GVP” is company dedicated to design ,development and manufacturing of innovative Solar plug and play systems in small wattage for rural and remote power. GVP products come with higher back up time of 14 hours and are tested and validated in the field for quality and durability



Our vision is to become the largest company globally in off grid Solar systems through quality & innovative product serving to rural areas catering the last mile customer.


Use of Product

The products manufactured by GVP have number of usage, like for small homes, kiosk, small shops,
school, guard room, emergency power, camping power and remote power where there is no grid connections.


Green Village power is actively looking for solar rental companies and dealers who can help to develop the sales
channel with last mile customers. Green Village is actively looking to work jointly with NGO and CSR companines to
be part of any such project.


GVP leadership comprises of Board of directors and Advisory board, people who have experience  in the industry and who have worked in rural sector in micro finance areas are the part of advisory board who are giving direction time to time to this clean-tech venture.

Solar Home Lighting Products


NOIDA Office:
B-46, Sector-57, NOIDA, Distt. Gautam Buddh Nagar, Uttar Pradesh – 201301

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